On June 12, 1948, President Truman signed the Women’s Armed Services Integration Act into law, allowing women to serve as regular members of the military. And when women can, they do. This Women Veterans Recognition Day we’d like to highlight the experiences of some of Trilogy’s own women Veterans who served and risked their lives for our freedom.
Trilogy Senior Manager Alberta Gianquinto, Al, served in the United States Army from 1997 to 2007, working in military intelligence.
“I come from a military family, with Veterans in all branches of service. Growing up, I always knew I wanted to follow in my family’s footsteps and join the service. And, once I did enlist, serving in the Army impacted my life even more than I expected. Without my family upbringing and military experience, I would not be the woman I am today. The Army showed me how to be strong, confident, and brave, and, then how to keep getting stronger, more confident and braver.
“I know exactly what I am capable of, and I pride myself on my military bearing and disposition. Maya Angelou, in her poem Phenomenal Woman, wrote,
Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.
“I hear these words and believe that I embody the spirit of the phenomenal woman Dr. Angelou speaks of in her poem largely due to my military experience. I am proud to be a woman Veteran – it was an honor and privilege to serve.” – Al Gianquinto

Vivian Howard, Senior Consultant at Trilogy, first joined the United States Army in 1974. She retired over twenty years later, in 1995, after serving six tours of duty.
“Serving in the military taught me to not just value being a woman in the military, but to value being an American, to fully appreciate and not take for granted all the freedoms we have each and every day. I am proud to have been a member of the elite Women’s Army Corps (WAC), and even more proud to have made such an impact with my military service that my sister (Army), two daughters (Army and Navy), AND granddaughter (Army) have since joined the military.
“My sister Evangeline followed in my footsteps, enlisting in 1984. I asked my sister to share her thoughts on being a woman Veteran, and here’s what she said, ‘I feel that the military gives women strength, wisdom, and a strong understanding of the land on which we live in. It gave me fortitude and allowed me to broaden my horizons, beyond anything I would have been able to experience on my own.’
“My daughter India joined the Navy in 1992. Similar to my own experience, her military service afforded her the opportunity to meet and impact so many people, shaped how she views the world, and gave her the confidence to take on the many challenges of day-to-day life. She obtained two Bachelor’s Degrees and raised my amazing grandchildren all while serving.
“My other daughter, Latoya, continued our family tradition, joining the Army. Latoya matured into a strong and brave young woman as she fought for our country in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am so honored and proud to have had my own military service set such an example and legacy for my family. We all would not be the women that we are today without our experiences serving in the United States armed forces. We are all immensely proud to have served alongside men in defense of our country.” – Vivian Howard
This Women Veterans Recognition Day, Trilogy would like to celebrate Al, Vivian and then many other women Veterans at Trilogy. We thank you for your hard work and dedication to Trilogy, and, more importantly, thank you for your service to our country!